Thank you, 2014!
2014! Wow, what a year. The best one so far, if you ask me.
I met some fantastic people, I finished my tourism studies, I traveled to places I never thought I'd go to, I got my heart broken a numerous of times. I can for sure say that my social phobia is cured, cause I took a travel guide course, and I got a lot of job offers (surprisingly I do not regret not taking that job in the Caribbean). I moved to Malmö and had a great summer there!
I've crossed of a lot of things on my bucket list, including audition for the Swedish Idol, being an au pair, living in Paris (the suburbs counts), touch the Berlin Wall, French kiss a French guy, be on top of the Eiffel tower and go to Croatia, amongst many other things.
The hate that I've always felt for myself started to turn into love. We're not there yet, but I can definitely say that I like myself so bloody much and I'm so proud of what I've become this year!
Last New Year's Eve I spent in Berlin, and tonight I will be in the city of my dreams, the city of lights. Paris! Together with people who makes me happy and that makes me feel so fucking alive! 2015 - bring it on!